Animated Blue Pencil



ยินดี ต้อนรับ สู่บล็อกของนางสาววรรณธิดาพร รัตน์วิจิตต์เวช

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556


The 14th of February

Where are they, when that day comes
A phantom illusion, floating around the craniums
Of every boy who ever longed for the touch
Of every girl who never got flowers by the bunch

Where is that smile? when that night is upon us
When guys turn over in the beds
And the girls are found spooning pillows
Counting lonely sheet threads

Where are they? when you would be be held tight
Only to find the cold embrace of the night

What can we do in the face of such a blight?
When we would give our all
When our hearts would take flight

For if only the right person would peer our way
Then we would not fear
Would not fear...
That day 

 People all over the world drink coffee. It is the world's most popular drink. The French call it cafe, the Germans kaffee, the Japanese koohi, the Turkish kahve. But the people of Sweden drink the most coffee - more than five cups a day.


The  Aztecs of Mexico knew about chocolate a long time ago. They made it into a drink. Sometimes they put hot chill peppers with the chocolate. They called the drink xocoatl, which means “bitter juice.” This is where the word chocolate comes from.